Here are a few Tips and Tricks that can make your Heritage Studio experience even better and easier.
• When you first open a project, go to your page navigator on the right-hand side and double click on each page. Then go back to the page that you want to work on. This causes all of the pages to load up behind the scenes while you are working on your current page. Later, when you’re ready to click on a new page, it’s already loaded and ready to go.
• When you first open a project, go to your page navigator on the right-hand side and double click on each page. Then go back to the page that you want to work on. This causes all of the pages to load up behind the scenes while you are working on your current page. Later, when you’re ready to click on a new page, it’s already loaded and ready to go.
• When placing a background or paper on your page, stretch it all the way past the gray outline of the canvas or page. This will ensure that there is plenty of room for the printer to crop.
• When placing text and images you don’t want cropped, keep them at least a half of an inch away from the gray border. In order to know exactly where a ½” in located on your page, click on the View button at the top left-hand side of your screen, scroll down to Rulers and Show Ruler. This will bring up a red grid. Each square on the grid represents ¼”. This is an easy way to make sure that everything is lined up or centered in your project.
• Once you are
finished with an object (picture, text, etc.), instead of leaving it to the
side of the page, delete it. This will allow your pages to load and preview
faster. Use the delete key on your keyboard.
• If you’re having trouble getting some of your changes to save (like adding drop shadows or other effects), try moving the object slightly after making the change and before clicking Save or Preview. If the last change you make to your object is to move it, all of your other changes will be saved (even if you put the object right back in the same place).
• Before you click the “Publish” button to complete your project, click Save and Quit, then open the project again. Click on each finished page and let it load one more time. This will ensure that all of your changes on each page have been saved.
• When previewing your project before publishing, be sure to check each page of the preview to make sure everything has loaded properly.